Please select the systems to which the new user requires access. You must make a selection for each system, blanks cannot be accepted. If you were appointed to write "Flood Only" business, please select the "No" button for all systems except "Flood System" at the bottom of this list.

Access to eSelect:

Selective’s Agent Portal

Is this user a third party vendor?:

Third-party is a service provider who is not directly controlled by the agency

Access to CLAS:

Commercial Lines Rating System

Access to PLUS:

Personal Lines Rating System

Access to Flood System:

Flood Rating System

Does this user require access to our Billing System (i.e. access to make direct bill payments to Selective (Sweep Payments))?  If no, choose "No". Access will automatically be provided if no selection is made. If this user requires expanded Billing System access (see below description of this access), click the "Yes" button next to "Expanded Billing System Access".

Access to Billing System:

Inquiry Only

Expanded Billing System Access (Commission/Agency Statements, Pay Agency Statements, Register Banking):


* indicates required field