Carolyn: Welcome back to another episode of Uniquely Small Biz by Selective Insurance, a podcast for small business owners to share their inspiring stories. I'm Carolyn McCardle, and we are so excited to be bringing you another round of insightful conversations with small business owners who are as unique as their ventures.
On today's episode. I'm speaking with owner and operator of George's Drains, George DeJesus. He is here today to speak with us about how he built his exciting small business, how he's changing the way people view trades, and some of the ways we can educate and inspire the next generation. So get ready for Uniquely Small Biz brought to you by Selective Insurance.
Carolyn: I know this is, for the most part an audio podcast, but I will tell people listening that behind George, there's a wall of what appears to be stickers. You were telling me before we started the story of those stickers. So can you tell everybody what the deal is?
George: On social media, which is mainly Instagram, most of us all created like our own logos for our page. The logos became stickers, and then we started a sticker swap.
So we basically trade stickers from all, mainly around the world. Today, I shipped out stickers today to Indonesia, Canada. A lot of UK stickers, Russia, they go everywhere. It doesn't really matter. If they’re a plumber and they ask for stickers, they get sent out. It doesn't really matter where they go.
And I get the same thing, I have stickers. I have half the bottom of the board behind me is still empty, which I’ve got to fill more stickers. So, there's some vendors up there, but the majority behind me are – I’d say about 99%, 95% - are probably plumbers.