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Crisis Response Insurance

Critical Assistance When It's Needed

Crises happen, unfortunately, and the difficulty doesn’t pass when the immediate crisis is over. How your business responds to a crisis can make a big difference. Selective can provide fast, professional assistance to help your business respond to a crisis.

How Crisis Response Insurance Helps

Selective’s Crisis Response Insurance coverage can be tailored to help your individual business quickly respond to a negative event and provide a path to financial and image recovery. A crisis management and crisis public relations campaign may need to be implemented and group counseling may be required following a violent event. Crisis management insurance can help provide the funding to help a company rebound after such a crisis. Our business insurance coverage includes:

  • Up to $250,000 for crisis incident business income and extra expense
  • $25,000 for crisis counseling expense
  • $15,000 off-premises coverage for covered crisis incidents away from the covered location

Premiums are competitive and include access to crisis preparation tools through our relationships with crisis experts Peppercomm and Crisis Care Network.

Find a local independent insurance agent today to set up a no obligation review and consultation. Don’t forget to ask about Selective’s value-added services like PaySync®, Praesidium’s Abuse Prevention services, and our Mobile App.

For more information on the types of business insurance solutions Selective Insurance offers, visit Insurance Coverages for Your Business.